So as it's Samhain I thought I'd post about where I've been so far this year, and where I'm headed - all with a heavy nod towards crafting things.
I've not done as many fairs and things this year, on account of a certain little lady who came into our lives in January; but I have done my best to keep up with things. You may know that I am a final-year degree student, so I have been slaving away at various assignments in the few spare moments I have. The first piece is due for hand-in in around four weeks and it is already half-done, so I am feeling fairly happy. Unfortunately in the last month or so, we seem to have succumbed to a number of lurgies. Most recent one is a cold with a hideously hacking cough. Hearing poor little 'un wheezing and coughing is no fun. Thankfully we are not far from a doctor and were able to get some antibiotics which have really helped. I can't begin to imagine how awful it must be for people who don't have access to such simple things as healthcare and medication. It makes me want to cry. I feel especially bad about this at the moment as owing to financial problems (we don't qualify for any childcare funding's a long story), I have had to stop all my charitable donations in order to be able to contribute towards mortgage payments. Hopefully this will be a short-term thing; once I have finished my college course, I might be able to pick up some part-time work which will then allow me to reinstate these.
I recently had a stall at an "Apple Day" event. The idea is that people come in to try some of the many varieties of English apples on offer, buy some, buy some apple juice, and have a look round at the craft stalls that are there. There were five of us with stalls, selling things from cakes to encaustic art, home-made scented pomanders to cards, and all raising some money for the wildlife trust whose visitor centre we were in.
I had some new items this time - I was 'winding down' my stocks of jewellery and similar, as I haven't had time to make much new stuff (other than commissons and gifts for birthdays, etc.). But I thought I would try my hand at decorative items.
I bought some pre-cut wooden shapes, and then simply painted them, and made hanging loops from twine. I was quite pleased with them, and am intending to make some more festive ones shortly.
Here are a few pictures of my stall:Painting on the window is by a friend who is a talented artist. Bits and bobs on the table are by me! |
Improvised 'tree' from found branches to show off decorations |
I was quite pleased with the way they turned out. I stuck to pastel shades with white polka dots, just in acrylics. The edges of each shape were painted in a slightly darker shade of the base colour. As and when the 'festive' shapes arrive, I am intending to paint those white/cream and just cover in crystal glitter. Pictures to follow, naturally...
The Apple Day went well, and I turned a reasonable profit - enough to make a small donation to the wildlife trust and to buy the materials for the next lot of decorations.
I feel as though I should be making more jewellery but at the moment, with four assignments to hand in over the next six weeks, any free time really needs to be ploughed into research.
And finally...
As little lady is currently asleep I have been able to get this update in. Now it's time to step away from the 'fun' side of the computer (which incidentally is only now in working order having been out of action for three weeks), and get on with some work relating to climate change and biodiversity. Wish me luck!